Friday, February 12, 2021

Buddy Class

 Kia ora everybody. Today we had buddy class. It was the first time that we ever had buddy class for this year. My buddy's name is Ella.

At buddy class this week all we did was draw. The thing that we where drawing was colorful flower.

Paper Snow Ball Fight

 Kia ora. On Tuesday we started back at school. Before morning tea Miss Scott told us about what we were going to be doing after morning tea. Miss Scott said that we are going to be having a snow ball fight. Once she told us what we where doing there was a few minutes till morning tea so we all made our own paper snow balls. 

We  first had to get one piece of paper and write three things about our self that would be hard to find out about our self. Then we had to scrunched up our piece of paper.

And then after morning tea we graded our scrunched up our piece of paper then went out to the field. When we where out on the field Miss Scott told us that we only had a certain amount of space. Then we went into our own little space. 

And then we where allowed to throw them at each other. If Miss Scott blew the whistle we had to stop and open our piece of paper. If we did not have an piece of paper in our hand then we had to find one. Then we had to go around and ask people about them.

 If we found them then we had to stay by them. We did like 5 rounds of the game. 

Victor Art

 hello everybody. Today for the summer learning journey I did this thing called victor art. I choose the blue Kirby. Victor art is when you ...