Sunday, February 16, 2020

Magic Show

Kia ora this morning we had Elgregoe and Sue come and do a magic show.
He started off with doing some magic tricks with birds, he made most of them appear and disappear and then he started to talk to us about five values.
The five values where caring, respect, resilience, empathy and responsibility. 
My two favourite part was when he was talking to the birds and when one of the birds was swinging upside down.    

1 comment:

  1. Hello Leala.
    I was going to teach my bird to do tricks but none would of been as good as what Elgregoe has taught his.My bird PoPcorn can dance,wave and say "thank you".He says a lot of other things too.
    The bird that you like is called an Eclectus.
    If you could choose any bird as a pet,what would it be and why?.
    I look forward to hearing from you.


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Victor Art

 hello everybody. Today for the summer learning journey I did this thing called victor art. I choose the blue Kirby. Victor art is when you ...