Thursday, December 16, 2021

Victor Art

 hello everybody. Today for the summer learning journey I did this thing called victor art. I choose the blue Kirby. Victor art is when you make a picture on a google drawing then you have to find a quote. I was fist going to do gamma shark, then i was going to do a x-mas tree but then I did a blue Kirby.

here is my victor art.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Summer Learning Journey

 Kia ora everybody. 

Today I am going to be telling you about an activity the summer learning journey. There were lots of pictures to choose from but I chose this one. The activity I did was a colouring in, I did some waves. 

What do you think about my colouring in?

Here is my colouring in.


Friday, December 10, 2021

Leavers Speech

Kia ora everyone. This week the year 6's had to start there leavers speech. The year 6 leavers speech is were all the year 6 have to write a speech about their time at Hornby Primary. 

We have to write our favorite memories, most embarrassing moment, thanking people, friends, introduce yourself and the highlights of each year.

 The once we write our speech we have to make a slide of photos.

here is my speech and my photo slide


 Hello everyone. Today I am going to be sharing my spelling with you. Ever week our teacher gives us a list of spell. This weeks is list 17. 

Spelling is where there are lots of questions that we have to answer. We also get a new list every week. 

here is my spelling

List Seventeen

advance apricot bossy certificate conference crayfish directly equipped ferocious guitar introduce microphone occurrence poisonous proportion risk solo straighten tablet vain

Which two list words have the suffix ‘-ence’?   Occurrence, conference

Now add the same suffix to extend theses words (watch out for spelling traps)

Emergence impudence obedience preference subsidence turbulence  

Write these list words in syllables

Cert if i cate pro por tion in tro duce mic ro phone con fer ence

4      3 3 3 3

Which list words are synonyms for

award share pill conceited autocratic

certificate          proportion         tablet               vain          bossy         

Which list words answer these clues

Peachy colour, apricot

very angry animal, ferocious

small voice conductor, microphone             

a happening wasteful with ‘c’s and ‘r’s, occurrence         

This one isn’t a blood transporter, vain

A guitar is a musical instrument.  Here are some more instruments without their vowels.  What are they?

clarinet violin saxophone trumpet


How many times are the vowels a, e, i, o and u used in this list.

a=9 e=16 i=15 o=18

Friday, December 3, 2021

Joe's Garage, Breakfast

Hi everyone. Yesterday me and most of the other Trusted Trekkers went out for breakfast at Joe's Garage. Every kid that went except Oakley got pancakes, Oakley got toast and bacon because he is gluten free. Everyone but Kelis got hot chocolate, Kelis got juice instead of hot chocolate. 

Here are some Pictures 


Victor Art

 hello everybody. Today for the summer learning journey I did this thing called victor art. I choose the blue Kirby. Victor art is when you ...