Friday, September 11, 2020

Rugby League

Kia ora. This week on Tuesday I had a Rugby League game at school for the year 5/6 at our school. It was going to be at Hagley park but then a lot of the teams pulled out because of the Covid so it was only two teams competing in it. 

Most of my League team go to the school that we were versing. We had four 10 minuets game I was on for 20 minuets.  But when I was off someone got hurt so I had to go back on. When I was on one of my friends from my league team where on. I had 4 runs one of them I nearly got a goal.  At then end we were so happy because we won the 40 minuet game. Also at the very end we had a big photo of both of the teams together.

here are some photos of when I was on, getting ready to go on.

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Leala.
    It was great to see both teams trying their hardest.It was great to see the supporters yelling from the side lines.I think Hornby played really well.You all covered the field and used the gaps well.
    Do you play league as a weekend sport?.


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