Friday, December 4, 2020

100 Word Count

 Kia ora everybody. This week we only had to do our spelling and 100 word count for our reading. 

For our active this week we had a sentence the sentence was I didn’t remember putting it on.

here is my story

It was an cold rainy day in the jungle and me and my elephant family had to hide away from the other killer animals. Me and my little sister named Elle the elephant had to stay hidden while our other family went to go get food. I went out to go see what was happening because our family was taking a long time. I didn’t remember putting it on. Then I realized that I had lots of blood over me. I went back to where me and my little sister we're hiding and my parents were back. I was glad. 


  1. Hello Leala.
    I couldn't imagine that hiding an elephant would be easy.Where did you end up putting it?.
    I have heard that you can tell an elephant has been in the fridge by seeing the foot prints in the butter.
    Is that where you put elephant,in the fridge?.
    Have a great holiday and Christmas.

  2. Hello Leala.
    I am just leaving a comment to let you know that I have visited your blog tonight.I was just looking to see if you had completed any SLJ activities.
    Have a great week.

  3. Hello Leala.
    I am just leaving a comment to let you know that I have had a look at your blog tonight.
    I wish you all the best for the new term to school.
    I am looking forward to seeing your new posts for 2021.


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1. Something positive - something you like about what I have shared.
2. Helpful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what I had to say
3. Something thoughtful - how have you connected with my learning? Give me some ideas for next time or ask me a question.

Victor Art

 hello everybody. Today for the summer learning journey I did this thing called victor art. I choose the blue Kirby. Victor art is when you ...