Tuesday, August 10, 2021

2Venn Diagram.

Kia ora. In the last few weeks my reading group and two others have been reading about the Olympics. 

Every week we have to do follow up work. Follow up work is when we do activity's about what we have been learning. We first have to do a must do, a must do is one activity that our teacher sets up for us. Then after we do our must do we have to pick one more activity to do we pick from a list that our teacher gives us. 

This week we had to do a 2venn Diagram about the ancient Olympics to the modern Olympics for our must do.

Here is my 2venn Diagram.


  1. Well done for finding some interesting facts Leala.I am glad that times have changed and that clothes have now become part of the games and that females can compete.
    Do you know if the crown is made of metal?.
    The reason I ask is,I had a picture in my head of them receiving a crown of thorns as that is what they used to wear in the ancient times.

  2. It was great to see you at Goggle Meet this morning Leala.
    I can't wait to see what learning you might post.
    Take care and keep safe.

  3. Good morning Leala.
    I am just wishing you a safe and happy day,even though it's raining and cold.We should always have a �� happy day.
    Take care and keep warm.

  4. Good afternoon Leala.
    I think you were planning on staying in bed all day weren't you?.I heard someone mention it to Miss Scott,that that was their plan....what a way to spend a WHOLE day :)

  5. I hope all is going well for you Leala.Take care and I hope you are feeling better.

  6. I hope all is well for you Leala.I hope you are feeling better,

  7. Have a great week Leala.Thanks for joining in with the lunch games today.

  8. Hello Leala I like how you put Modern Olympics and Ancient Olympics so we could tell which one is which.

  9. I look forward to reading your next post Leala.Have a great weekend.


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Victor Art

 hello everybody. Today for the summer learning journey I did this thing called victor art. I choose the blue Kirby. Victor art is when you ...