Friday, March 13, 2020

Task Master

Kia ora everyone every Friday we have this thing called taskmaster.  
It's when we get to do really fun challenges,  the first time that we did it we got into groups of three.
We had to have it leased one year 5 and two year sixes or one year six and two year fives.
  I was with Kelis and Freya.

In the first week we did this challenge called man the sails. 
It is when we get three pieces of paper and an ice block stick and some Blue Tack.
We had to make something with the paper so the ice block stick would stay upright without
the ice block stick getting wet, my team came first.  

 The second time we did it we got to use three things in the classroom, my group used a
red plastic bucket and a whiteboard and a ruler and then we could only use one pinky per person.
The longest group standing wins.  We won that round so we got 10 points and yeet got second so they got 5 points. 

This week our task was to get a plastic cup and fill it up with water but we had to make sure
that is was filled up to the top.  Once we got the cup we got five minutes of preparation time and we used
the time wisely and thought about how it would work.  We went outside on the field and got into our groups and
filled our cups to the top and then
the first person in the line they ran to the other side of the field. 
Then they left their cup there and ran back and the next person filled their cup up and ran.
We were smart and used my jersey on the top so the water didn't spell that much out of the cup.  
At the end Miss Scoot measured all the cups.
If a group puts one of the cups by your pail of cup then that group gets the cup of water.
We got 3 cups and one half of a cup that was the digest amount of cup so we came first.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Leala.
    I wonder why you went out onto the field to do the water task.I think that would of been a good task to do in class.You could of made it more challenging by standing on chairs,ducking under tables and then stacking the cups in a pyramid shape,without spilling water.
    Maybe that's a challenge you could mention to the teacher when school starts back :).


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Victor Art

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