Friday, July 31, 2020

Cross Country Zones

Kia ora.  Last week on Thursday once the bell rang all of the people that made first, second and third for the cross country had to go to the library. Once everyone that was going was in the library Miss Scott put everyone in groups so we could go in an adult’s car.   

When we arrived at Halswell Quarry we all sat on this enormous tarpoline and had a little thing to eat from our lunch box.

While I was waiting for my race me, April and Alexis were playing 'would you rather.' Then it was time for our race.    

When we were lining up to start running I started to get butterflies in my stomach.  Then the lady blew the horn and I started to run.  Near the end when I was just about to finish most of the people from our school started to cheer me on.    


I got 28 place but I don’t think that I want to do it again.

1 comment:

  1. Good on you for completing the race Leala.
    I remember when we had Cross Country at Primary School I had to be picked up by a 4wd as the track was long and on a farm.I wasn't the only one who didn't finish the race.
    Wasn't it nice of the other children to cheer you on.That's showing sportsmanship.
    Why don't you think you would do it again for?.


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