Friday, November 6, 2020


 On Tuesday we had our Athletics trials for zones Athletics. We had lots of practices for the trials. The sports that we had to do was long jump, high jump, shot-put, discus and long distance running. On Wednesday we did our sprints. We did sprints on Wednesday because it was too cold on Tuesday by the time we were meant to do it.

I got first in long jump, shot-put and discus. Long distance was the one that I had trouble with but I did really good for it being my worst one, I also came fifth.    

1 comment:

  1. Well done Leala.
    It's great that you got placed in more than one event.
    Athletics wasn't my most favourite activity when I went to Primary School.

    I remember when we had Cross Country and we had to run on a farm.I didn't even make it to the finish line.In the end a farm truck picked me and the other late runners up and we got a ride back.

    Did you end up going to the Zones?.
    What activities did you participate in?.


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Victor Art

 hello everybody. Today for the summer learning journey I did this thing called victor art. I choose the blue Kirby. Victor art is when you ...