Friday, May 28, 2021

Layers Of The Forest.

Aloha everybody. This term we have been learning about native animals to New Zealand and native NZ plants.

Last week we started making a poster about all the layers of the forest. We had to learn about what the layers are before we started. We watched two videos as well.

The tallest layer in the Emergent layer then there is the Canopy, Understory and then the forest floor.

Here is my poster.

Friday, May 21, 2021

Classroom Name Art

Kia ora everybody. In the past few weeks we have been making a slide about naming all of the class rooms.

In the red block all the classrooms are birds. The yellow block are seeds and trees, and the green block is insects. 

Then not last week but the week before we started to make art about the name of each class room. We first had to make a background with dye. Then we had to pick a bird, insect or a seed and trees but it had to be a silhouette. 

The bird I picked was a piwakawaka. Then once we picked what we were drawing we had to draw it on a black piece of paper. I could not draw it so I went up to my teacher and asked her if she could help me and she said yes.

Then once my teacher helped me she cut It out then I glued it onto my piece of paper it was finished.

Here is my art.

Friday, May 14, 2021

How To Make A Delicious Hot chocolate

Aloha. This week we started to write instructions.We first made instruction to make an hot chocolate. Then today we got to make a hot chocolate.

 How To Make A Delicious Milo 



                Milo                         Milk

                Mug                         Sugar

                Teaspoon                water



  1. Put water in jug

  2. Turn jug on

  3. Grade your mug

  4. Grabe the milo

  5. Grade a teaspoon

  6. Grabe milk

  7. Put two and a half teaspoons of milo in your mug

  8. Add two teaspoons of sugar

  9. Once the jug is boiled.

  10. Pour in water and leave room for milk.

  11. Add milk

  12. mix

  13. Drink 

Rugby Fun Day

 Kia ora. Last Friday me and a group of other people went to a rugby fun day. We did practices with our coach his name is Jamie. 

But we only played three games. In the first game I got a try. After out second game we got ice blocks. On the day we won all of our games we played. 

On our last game instead of having people off we had ever person on the team on. In our team there was 13 people and on the other team they had 13 so my coach asked the other coach if there hole team wanted to play.

here is our team. 

Victor Art

 hello everybody. Today for the summer learning journey I did this thing called victor art. I choose the blue Kirby. Victor art is when you ...