Friday, May 14, 2021

How To Make A Delicious Hot chocolate

Aloha. This week we started to write instructions.We first made instruction to make an hot chocolate. Then today we got to make a hot chocolate.

 How To Make A Delicious Milo 



                Milo                         Milk

                Mug                         Sugar

                Teaspoon                water



  1. Put water in jug

  2. Turn jug on

  3. Grade your mug

  4. Grabe the milo

  5. Grade a teaspoon

  6. Grabe milk

  7. Put two and a half teaspoons of milo in your mug

  8. Add two teaspoons of sugar

  9. Once the jug is boiled.

  10. Pour in water and leave room for milk.

  11. Add milk

  12. mix

  13. Drink 


  1. It certainly is the right time of the year Leala to be having such a warm drink.
    I am not a big fan of Milo.I don't really like the taste.I'd rather have a hot chocolate or a coffee.
    I do remember mum making us a milo before we went to bed.
    Do you have any hot drink before bedtime?.

  2. Hey leala, its me kelis here, I really liked how you said what you had to do first! Do you like milo?


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Victor Art

 hello everybody. Today for the summer learning journey I did this thing called victor art. I choose the blue Kirby. Victor art is when you ...